Things You Never Knew About Indian Food


It is safe to say that Indian food, in particular curry, is the UK’s favourite dish. Whilst some people are still adamant that Fish and Chips reigns supreme, it has been confirmed through various studies that curry is the number one dish we love. Plus, with a society that is so varied and multicultural it is only right that we explore the range of cuisines on offer and here at Royal Nawaab, we are the experts when it comes to Asian dishes. In this blog we’re going to tell you a few facts about Indian food you probably never knew…

  1. There are loads of cuisines around the world however Indian is the most diverse. In fact, there are an astonishing 28 different regions that use their own unique ingredients, spices and methods in order to make the same dishes, resulting in various different flavours. For example, the north focuses on less spicy dishes and includes ghee and yogurt.
  2. Curries are synonymous with Indian cuisine however many people do not understand what one is. A curry is in fact a blend of spices like tamarind, cinnamon, cloves and cumin which can differ depending on the dish. The quality of a curry actually depends on the cook and their ability to blend these spices and ingredients perfectly.
  3. Whilst Naan bread is very much associated with the dishes of India, the first one was actually made back in 1300 AD in Persia. They are usually served hot brushed with ghee and can be used to scoop up a sauce.

Finding the perfect place to eat that satisfies everyone can be difficult however Indian food is one that will win over the whole crowd. Whether you’re a fan of spice or prefer your dishes smooth and creamy, there’s something for everyone here at Royal Nawaab. For more information, get in contact with a member of the team today and visit the best halal restaurant in London!