In the UK millions of people every year set out with their families to their local curry house to indulge in some of the finest cuisine from India and Pakistan. The British love for curry is nothing new, since spices and recipes began travelling the world, we have taken food from Asia under our belts and filled our bellies to the point where our belts actually fit a little tighter.
But, compared to the amount of people who eat out at Indian and Pakistani restaurants, not many make the attempt to cook the same dishes at home. Some see the process as too complicated or time consuming, whilst others feel they don’t have the right equipment or facilities to do the food justice at home; after all, how much does it cost to install a charcoal tandoor oven in a two up two down?
In reality it is much simpler to cook great Indian and Pakistani cuisine at home than you may think. First, we must demystify the cuisine. Curry is the first thing that comes to mind when we think about Indian or Pakistani food, but curry is just the surface of a deep sea of dishes that you can cook, especially at home.
Contrary to popular belief, not all Indian and Pakistani food is fatty, rich or hard to cook. In fact, you’ll be surprised at how healthy these dishes can be when added to your weekly routine. You won’t have to renovate the kitchen in order to cook it either, you actually need very little in terms of utensils to make delicious food yourself and most of the pans and tool you have already will work perfectly for most recipes. Things like woks, heavy bottom pans, pressure cookers and steamers can be found in most kitchens in the UK and can all be used to prepare many Indian and Pakistani dishes you will find online.
Fort inspiration on recipes or if you simply want a taste of authentic Pakistani and Indian cuisine, visit Royal Nawaab’s restaurant in Manchester today.