Here you will be able to keep up to date with all the latest news from Royal Nawaab, from interesting recipes and the history of our food to events and updates on what's coming up at Royal Nawaab.
From the 5th May until the 4th June, Muslims around the world will be participating in the holy month of Ramadan. Ramadan is ...
Considering that the British palette is relatively new to spicy and aromatic flavours – having previously been having t...
Royal Nawaab Manchester now offers a huge 15% off discount on takeaway order via Google Play and Apple Store App. Download th...
Royal Nawaab London Ramadan 2019 Opening Hours Due to the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Royal Nawaab London’s opening ho...
🕌 Royal Nawaab Manchester Ramadan 2019 Opening Hours 🕌 Due to the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Royal Nawaab Manches...
The buffet is a much-loved restaurant set up across the UK for a number of different cuisines, especially that of Asian cuisi...
In order to be a great chef, even a chef at home, you need to understand the ingredients you are cooking with. One such ingre...
In a professional kitchen, like the one we have here at Royal Nawaab in Manchester, there is a place for everything. All food...
Pakistani dishes use a huge range of ingredients in order to create the unique and varied flavours that we know and love toda...
India, like Pakistan, has a huge street food scene. We call it a scene in the UK, because we don’t tend to see much of it o...