Here you will be able to keep up to date with all the latest news from Royal Nawaab, from interesting recipes and the history of our food to events and updates on what's coming up at Royal Nawaab.
Opening a restaurant is a dream for so many people and a fortunate few are able to follow through with their dreams and open ...
Pakistan in summer is famous for the scorching heat from the prolonged heatwaves that hit the country. For some the weather c...
Pakistani weddings are some of the most vibrant and glamorous occasions. Celebrated with real zeal and excitement, Pakistani ...
Depending on the type of food you are going to be serving at your next event and the style in which it is served, the event w...
In the UK we have become more attuned to the types of different kebabs from around the world. Gone are the days of thinking t...
It turns out the UK aren’t the only ones obsessed with BBQ’s when the summer blesses us with its presence. As you venture...
Travelling to another continent is the perfect opportunity to sample a whole host of different fruits you may have never had ...
People in the UK have always been sceptical about travelling to The Middle East. Countries such as Pakistan and India are rar...
For those who love great food but can’t afford to eat out all the time, it’s great to know how to cook well so you can ma...
You can find basic Garam Masala mixes in most modern supermarkets across the world, but ask a Pakistani cook to share their r...